Thursday, August 21, 2014

Some Thoughts on the Law of Attraction

I've been watching some Youtube videos on the 'Law of Attraction' - or as some know it from the popular books and documentary...The Secret. I'm not saying that I'm jumping on the bandwagon but there are some truths in there. Anyone who has lived a little can see that. Right now, after thinking about it a bit and relating it to some other things that I've learned in this short life, I'm leaning toward an idea that isn't necessarily completely against the science of this 'Law' but maybe more toward a more philosophical and biblical interpretation that I will scratch the surface on here.

I believe that reality can be changed up to a point. We can create. God made us to be creators. Now, because God made us creators does this mean we are the capital C - Creator of the Universe. No, it doesn't. So herein lies the conflict I have with those who believe that the 'Law of Attraction' or 'The Secret' is going to give you everything that you wish for. Sometimes what you think you need isn't the best thing for you at that time. Reality can be changed in many ways but at some points in your life you are going to hit some walls and these walls may be there for a reason. The wall we hit might make us change directory, put us on a different path that we never intended to be on but one that leads us to a result that is better that we could have wished for. Sometimes this isn't one wall, but many walls that make us change paths like a maze a mouse goes through but when the mouse makes it through he still gets the cheese at the finish line. There may be many walls of resistance but eventually, if you don't give up, something clicks and you find what you were looking for which may be completely different from what you "thought" would make you happy and lead you to what you really "needed" all along.

So if, for instance, you are using the Law of Attraction philosophy to start a business and the business fails or never comes to fruition, but in the this process you met someone who'd already created a successful business that is exciting and fulfilling - someone who wants you to join their team instead. Do you turn down this opportunity simply because it didn't align with your initial goal? Does not having your own business and being your own boss mean that the universe has failed you? Well, if you only focus on your failed start-up then perhaps you will see it that way. If you are so focused on what went wrong and how the 'Law of Attraction' didn't work for you, you may be blinded to what door has been opened up that may be the absolute correct path for you to take. The door that the real creator wants you to walk through. We cannot see all like God can for we are not God. Having the business you so desperately wanted could have caused problems in your professional or personal life that you never saw coming because you are not all-knowing and the failure could be a blessing in disguise. Maybe not getting what you want is sometimes a good thing, which is something I don't see being discussed much on these videos. There is a lack of humility in these teachings that I find a little disturbing.

You don't try to build a wall, you don't set out to build a wall. You don't say, 'I'm going to build the greatest, biggest, baddest wall that has ever been built.' You don't start there. You say, 'I'm going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid', and you do that every single day and soon you have a wall.
- Will Smith

There are also some biblical examples of what I'm trying to convey. When you go to the story of Joseph in the old testament you see someone that went through a lot of misery, but without this misery wouldn't have become the man that he became. This is the story in a nutshell so that I can make my point -

The dream that Joseph has in the beginning of the story of his brothers bowing down before him only became a reality after the brothers threw him into a well and left him for dead, saw some Ishmaelites coming hours later and then decided to sell him for twenty pieces of silver instead. The Ishmaelites then sold Joseph to Potiphar (an Egyptian) as a slave. Potiphar, who was an officer in the army of Pharaoh, saw something in Joseph that he liked, something in his cheerful spirit, so he put Joseph in charge of his house. He was still a slave but he was over all of the other slaves and the affairs of the household. Later on, Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph but Joseph didn't take the bait so in her anger she cries "Rape!" and Joseph is put into prison. Joseph knew that God had a plan in all of this mess and somehow remained cheerful while in prison. Joseph remained in prison until he was thirty, impressed the Pharaoh with an interpretation of a dream that troubled him, was released and called the wisest man in all of Egypt. Pharaoh announced that Joseph would rule over all of the land of Egypt and there would only be one above him on the throne which was the Pharaoh himself. Egypt prospered under the rule of Joseph so well that Joseph was able to give grain to the needy. The people of Canaan, where his father and brothers still resided were in deep need at the time so the brothers were sent to Egypt. When they arrived they didn't recognize Joseph, for he was now dressed like a Prince and 40 years old. They bowed before him and he had mercy on them. 

This my friends, shows you how sometimes when things seem at their worst and the hopes of what you thought your life would be about doesn't come to fruition in the manner that you thought it would - this doesn't mean that all is lost. Somewhere in there, in that mess, lies a plan. A plan that is greater than anything our limited minds can imagine. So, should we hope for the best? Yes. Should we expect the road to be smooth while we cruise to the top of our game? No. This is where 'The Secret' fails us. And let's not forget - Jesus was beaten and crucified in order to accomplish what he had set out to do. There was a plan in all of this too. To this day people are studying his life and meeting weekly to worship him, but he didn't use The Secret to attract money and worldwide recognition to himself. Say what you will about Christianity but two thousand years from now will anyone even know that we existed?

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